Downeast Maine

Downeast Maine is dedicated to informing you about Downeast Maine. Websites, magazines, news. Downeast Maine books, events, vacations. Downeast Maine custom websites, food and dining. Downeast outfitters, recreation, camping and fishing.

Wikipedia claims: Downeast Maine is the area on the coast of Maine from the Penobscot Bay to the Canadian border. Downeast Maine includes Acadia National Park, and three National Wildlife Refuges including Cross Island National Wildlife Refuge, Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge and Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge (formerly Petit Manan NWR).Maine’s tourism website,, has many resources including lodging, dining, activities, getaways, events, seasons and more about Downeast Maine.

The official web site of Maine’s Downeast & Acadia Region,, leads you to places to explore, highlights, where to visit, where to stay, things to do, travel packages, events and even helps to plan your trip to Downeast and Acadia region of Maine.